Assemblée Générale : NON À L’AUSTÉRITÉ !
Ce Mardi 18 Mars à 12h30
Fac Segalen, Amphi Guilcher
Assemblée Générale : NON À L’AUSTÉRITÉ !
Ce Mardi 18 Mars à 12h30
Fac Segalen, Amphi Guilcher
@cynical13 @zenbrowser After being an early fan, i more or less abandoned #ZenBrowser several months ago, for its terrible unreliability, & various feature developments either of no interest to me, or which i actively disliked. Last week i decided to give it another chance... but in less than 24 hours it broke itself again [my various UI customisations reset to default], & lost all my tabs again.
#FirefoxNightly + #Mv2 #uBO + #Sidebery + #FirefoxSecondSidebar = THE best browsing & sophisticated tab management + Web Panel UX i've ever had, easily eclipsing Vivaldi,
#ZenBrowser, Waterfox, LibreWolf... ergo =
#FirefoxNightly + #NativeVerticalTabs + #uBlockOrigin + #FirefoxSecondSidebar = Very usable already as of Feb 2025, albeit less powerful than Sidebery, ergo =
@mauro Otoh i am officially #FUD-free.
#FirefoxNightly + #Mv2 #uBO + #Sidebery + #FirefoxSecondSidebar = THE best browsing & sophisticated tab management + Web Panel UX i've ever had, easily eclipsing Vivaldi,
#ZenBrowser, Waterfox, LibreWolf... ergo =
#FirefoxNightly + #NativeVerticalTabs + #uBlockOrigin + #FirefoxSecondSidebar = Very usable already as of Feb 2025, albeit less powerful than Sidebery, ergo =
@giorgiolucas @Vivaldi I trust the company coz i trust the senior peeps, who came from Opera Presto. However i dislike the chromium base coz i dislike google, & now that #Mv2 has been forcibly replaced by #Mv3, thus killing #uBO, & additionally html5 fingerprinting can't be blocked, I shan't use Vivaldi again.
@MsDropbear42 Oh ffs, this latest experiment with #ZenBrowser has ended after only a few hours, due to yet another catastrophic failure, preceded by various annoyances:
Search Bar
refused to show the drop-down menu of alternative search engines [works fine in Search Bar
was gone again, the native tabs bar refused to Collapse again], but worst of all, all my open tabs were gone... again My dear old might be less pretty, less visually exciting, & might not have native split tabs, but far out it is & remains way way waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay more reliable than Zen. I mean, it's really a bit silly...
is Alpha,
is Beta, yet the former is generally rock solid reliable in the ~decade i've been using it. Otoh, all my experiments with Zen, over the past ~12-18 months, have ended in disappointment, frustration, & often also destruction.
So, yet again, i return to...
#FirefoxNightly + #Mv2 #uBO + #Sidebery + #FirefoxSecondSidebar = THE best browsing & sophisticated tab management + Web Panel UX i've ever had, easily eclipsing Vivaldi,
#ZenBrowser, Waterfox, LibreWolf... ergo =
#FirefoxNightly + #NativeVerticalTabs + #uBlockOrigin + #FirefoxSecondSidebar = Very usable already as of Feb 2025, albeit less powerful than Sidebery, ergo =
Bez' ez eus amañ studierien aotreegezh war ar #brezhoneg eus #UBO pe tud o deus graet ar c'hursus-mañ? (klask a ran kuzulioù...)
@eknobl Also, the native #TabGroups have been working well for several weeks in , & in my recent testing they also now seem to have become reliable in
. The whole native #VerticalTabs UI ootb has ridiculous amounts of padding per tab, such that a stupidly small number of tabs can be open before invoking the scrollbar... i fixed this via some #CSS. The one remaining major design paradigm i dislike is that the tab groups are primitive like in Vivaldi & Chromium, ie, only single-level; no hierarchical trees are possible. Hence, even though the new VTs & TGs are aesthetically pleasing & quite usable, i still keep returning to Sidebery.
#FirefoxNightly + #Mv2 #uBO + #Sidebery + #FirefoxSecondSidebar = THE best browsing & sophisticated tab management UX i've ever had, easily eclipsing Vivaldi,
#ZenBrowser, Waterfox, LibreWolf... ergo =
#FirefoxNightly + #NativeVerticalTabs + #uBlockOrigin + #FirefoxSecondSidebar = Very usable already as of Feb 2025, albeit less powerful than Sidebery, ergo =
@cracrayol @ftregan @ploum
En rajoutant un « ^ » avant le « = » si on veut que ça match aussi /explore/tags, /explore/suggestions et /explore/links :
##.navigation-panel a[href^="/explore"]
Sinon, on peut aussi bloquer la page elle-même avec ce filtre (sans le | après « explore » pour bloquer aussi les pages citées plus haut), ce qui affichera un avertissement, tout en permettant de passer outre si on le décide :
@dpecos @Vivaldi Coz my actions & decisions are predicated on facts, not #FUD, until actual adverse facts emerge [wildly speculative bush-lawyering are not "facts"], ufn i remain happily...
#FirefoxNightly + #Mv2 #uBO + #Sidebery + #FirefoxSecondSidebar = THE best browsing & sophisticated tab management UX i've ever had, easily eclipsing Vivaldi,
#ZenBrowser, Waterfox, LibreWolf... ergo =
#FirefoxNightly + #NativeVerticalTabs + #uBlockOrigin + #FirefoxSecondSidebar = Very usable already as of Feb 2025, albeit less powerful than Sidebery, ergo =
@linuxnews ne ne. Da wird nichts blockiert. Grün unter #uBlockOrigin bedeutet "allow"
Was mittlerweile viel zu selten geworden ist. Eine Seite ohne Massen von eingebundenen #Trackern .Das verschafft mir ein gutes Gefühl und Vertrauen beim lesen! Weiter so.
En #podcast pour la #radio #rcf , voici le premier volet d'une série de deux épisodes sur le #crbc , le Centre de Recherche Bretonne et Celtique à #brest, au sein de l'université.
Aujourd'hui on parle de la #recherche , et lundi prochain, nous évoquerons la documentation et les archives.
#bretagne #breizh #bzh #celtique #culture #ubo
@kkarhan @wdjorth I had already lost faith in the Vivaldi project before the #Mv3 shitfest, but that was the final nail in the coffin for me. Any & every browser that stops me using the full version of #uBO #uBlockOrigin [as well as several other extensions important to my UX], is no browser for me.
Notre musée miniature s’enrichit doucement, sorte de musée des moulages à une échelle réduite. Il s’agira de créer une collection exposée au sein de l’université avec des impressions 3D choisies et traitées par nos étudiant•es !
Are there sponsorship reads (ads) allowed on #nebulatv videos?
Considering a membership as my preferred method to support creators directly, I like that it autodistributes based on watch time.
I HATE ads and sponsor reads (a type of ad, don't get pedantic). I currently use #ubo and #sponsorblock to this end.
I don't see the point in paying to support directly and then still having ads shoved down your throat on a re-uploaded YT video with the messaging still influenced by whatever sponsor.
[Edit] Le RU a finalement ouvert le 20 janvier. Merci pour vos partages !
Les étudiantes et étudiants du pôle universitaire de Quimper n'ont plus de restaurant depuis le 13 janvier ! Si le pôle a mis à disposition des micro-ondes - mais trop peu pour l'ensemble des concerné·es -, cela reste une situation inadmissible.
L'asso étudiante Culture Connexion a lancé une pétition, qui plafonne pour l'instant à moins de 50 signatures. Aidez-les à faire entendre leur voix !
@neil Just a few things for now;
Das neue europäische Zahlungssystem #Wero wirkt äußerst vertrauenerweckend . Eine Plattform, die Transparenz auf höchstem Niveau bietet – hier wird #Tracking in jeder Hinsicht großgeschrieben. Die Seite lässt sich nicht normal bedienen.
@Bot4Sale @SpaceLifeForm Actually, for me anyway, it does not need to be an extension per se. I use #uBlockOrigin in Advanced Mode, & over the past decade or so have accumulated many tens of thousands of custom dynamic filters & static rules. I'm sure that #uBO should be capable of serving nicely here, only this complexity of putative custom rule is far more than my own skillset.
@kkarhan @karlauerbach @adamshostack Fwiw...
So many peeps are writing so much stuff about the badness of #Firefox [due to the mismanagement by #Mozilla], & the "imminent" end of the Fox road if/when gargle stops funding Mozilla. I have a certain sympathy with such views. However it's the next part that gobsmacks me... all the despairing Foxers already abandoning FF, & jumping to some chromium poison. Far out, talk about an exercise in foot gun bang
Certainly, i dunno what the Fox Future will be, but jumping now at shadows seems perverse. By all means, let's jump some indeterminate time in the future if FF becomes actually dead, but for now, all i know is that my #FirefoxNightly + #Mv2 #uBO + #Sidebery + #FirefoxSecondSidebar = THE best browsing & sophisticated tab management UX i've ever had, easily eclipsing Vivaldi,
#ZenBrowser, Waterfox, LibreWolf...