ARM-Server-CPUs: Ampere Computing gehört jetzt wie ARM und Graphcore zu Softbank
Softbank, dessen Chef auch das gigantische KI-Projekt Stargate leitet, schluckt nach ARM und Graphcore nun auch den CPU-Hersteller Ampere Computing.

ARM-Server-CPUs: Ampere Computing gehört jetzt wie ARM und Graphcore zu Softbank
Softbank, dessen Chef auch das gigantische KI-Projekt Stargate leitet, schluckt nach ARM und Graphcore nun auch den CPU-Hersteller Ampere Computing.
Angreifer können Kemp LoadMaster mit präparierten HTTP-Anfragen attackieren
Eine kritische Schwachstelle gefährdet die Sicherheit von Servern mit Kemp LoadMaster.
@ckrypto wasn't complying with #CloudAct, @Mer__edith would be in jail.
Not to mention even if Signal keeps their "#OpenSource" code updated - which is doubtful, NOONE can actually #verify that it's the code you actually use - regardless if #backend / #Server or #client / #App!
Also if Signal was designed for #security, it would've been #decentralized as #XMPP+#OMEMO and not demand #PII like #PhoneNumbers which oftentimes cannot be obtained anonymously in many juristictions at all!
By comparison, @delta doesn't require any PII, only an #eMail account, and @monocles isn't a #VCmoneyBurningParty but sustainable due to #subscription and they don't even require any personal details for #payment: #CashByMail and #Monero are accepted.
Again: It's Signal alone who have to evidence they are trustworthy, and all I get are "#TrustMeBro!" replies, which means they are not to be trusted.
Whereas with #XMPP I can completely setup my own server and client, even build my own if I don't trust anyone else and pay someone to audit the code.
Whereas with XMPP & PGP/MIME #eMail I can layer @torproject / #Tor over it, make it an #OnionService and keep that thing under my bed with a literal killswitch...
Critical #AMI #MegaRAC bug can let attackers hijack, brick #servers
MegaRAC #BMC provides "lights-out" and "out-of-band" remote system management capabilities that help admins troubleshoot servers as if they were physically in front of the devices. The firmware is used by over a dozen #server vendors that provide equipment to many cloud service and #datacenter providers, including #HPE, #Asus, #ASRock, and others.
Latest update: SLES 15 gets Service Pack 7 - and support until 2037
At its in-house exhibition, SUSE announced that SLES 15 will receive a final upgrade with SP 7. Support will end in 2037 and a successor is planned for November.
A Simple Entry Guide to Btrfs Snapshots (Part 1)
In this guide (part 1) I’ll briefly explain what Btrfs snapshots are and how to set up automatic local snapshots.
#Hallo Ihr Lieben auf ,
Unsere #Instanz wächst und wächst. Kürzlich hatten wir unser zwei-jähriges Jubiläum. Wir haben aktuell 205 trötende #Rüssel hier auf unserer Instanz und das bedeutet, dass unsere Instanz mit eine der erfolgreichen Instanzen im #deutsch sprachigen Raum geworden ist.
Das bedeutet aber auch, dass der Instanz #Server einiges zu leisten hat. Er muss performant bleiben und er muss groß genug sein, um die ganzen #Tröts mit ihren #Medien wie #Bilder und #Videos zu speichern. Auch der #Backup-Server muss entsprechend dimensioniert sein. Das alles kostet viel #Geld im #Monat, das ich vollständig aus der eigenen #Tasche bezahle.
Wenn es Dir hier bei uns also gefällt und Du nicht möchtest, dass diese Instanz irgendwann in der Versenkung verschwindet, wie so viele andere kleine und große Instanzen auch, dann denke doch einmal drüber nach, ob Du mich dabei nicht ein kleines bisschen #unterstützen möchtest.
Spenden kannst du entweder per #Bitcoin, Paypal oder Banküberweisung. Alle Informationen dazu findest du unter #Spendenmöglichkeiten auf der "About" Seite dieser Instanz ganz unten:
Am meisten freue ich mich natürlich, wenn Du die Möglichkeit der regelmäßigen #Spende per #PayPal oder #Dauerauftrag nutzen würdest.
Vielen Dank und weiterhin ganz viel Spaß bei uns, wünscht Dir Eure #Admina
Can someone please explain to me why an Apache mod_rewrite rule would apply in Chrome, but not in Firefox? Basically, I'm taking the requested subdomain, e.g. [something], and using that string to 301 redirect to[something]. Works perfectly in Chrome, but hasn't worked in Firefox in a while (first version worked in both, but I had to reimplement it after a WordPress update overwrote it) and I have no idea why that should be a thing. We basically have zero Firefox users attempting to use the subdomain aside from myself, so it doesn't *really* matter, but I just want to understand (and avoid an unnecessary customer service email in the event that a Firefox user scans the QR code and erroneously ends up at the homepage; yes, the subdomain was a mistake. But the QR codes are out there by the thousands, so it's too late for me now lol).
I should say that the majority of my mod_rewrite experience was probably a decade or so ago, so I'm definitely pretty rusty.
The rule:
RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} ^(?!www\.)([^.]+)\.(mywebsite\.com)$ [NC]
RewriteRule ^ http://%2/%1%{REQUEST_URI} [L,R=301,NE]
Guten Abend,
ich habe mir erneut einen Mastodon-Server eingerichtet und musste leider umziehen. Der Umzug verlief jedoch reibungslos, und jetzt können wir wieder durchstarten.
I'm on the lookout for a new hosting company.
I'd like them to be UK-based, as that's where the bulk of my clients are. Or, Ireland.
I prefer smaller companies, or resellers, who are able to offer a bit more of a personal service.
It's initially for about 30 client sites.
Please make your recommendations if you have any.
Set up a secure and performant Node.js server #nodejs #backend #server #javascript #programming
Warten auf die KI
Ich habe einen virtuellen Server in der Cloud angemietet, um mehr Leistung für KI-Modelle im Ollama-Framework zu haben. Doch die Verbindung bricht ständig ein.
In 2010 I started a #minecraft #server for this new game called minecraft. The group of middle school kids that stared playing on it stuck around for a few years.
WELLLLLLLLLLLL one of them just posted pictures of his new #baby first born child, jesus christ I'm #old and that happened faster than I would have expected
In what country are the servers that host
#mastodon #mastodonsocial #fediverse #server #hosting #instance
Unfortunately it is impossible to upload a picture to Mastodon tonight without time out.
\o/ @dyne now hosts the first public sphinx server not under my control at
their ltsigkey is
c't-Workshop: Einführung in den Kea-DHCP-Server
Lernen Sie im praxisorientierten Workshop, wie Sie den DHCP-Server Kea installieren, konfigurieren und in bestehende Netzwerke integrieren.
Hi, I'm looking for help with #server and #php again.
My server settings are in the attached image.
The issue I'm having is php error warnings filling up the logs located at /logs/. There are thousands of entries, and it's taking up masses of space, plus, I think, overloading the server and slowing it down.
I want to turn off the reporting of warnings, and only have actual errors reported.
My server guy is trying to help, kinda, but he just doesn't seem to understand #php8 error reporting.
Bringt mir das meinen #Fediverse
#Mastodon #Server zum explodieren? Dann müsste ich #Bluesky leider blockieren.
OpenAI pumpt 11,9 Milliarden US-Dollar in CoreWeave
Nach Microsoft bucht nun auch OpenAI CoreWeave-Systeme für riesige Geldsummen. Der Zeitpunkt vor dem IPO dürfte nicht zufällig sein.