Well I've hit a bit of a wall on the foreign key situation in SQL Alchemy on the backend side of this project.
I want to have an inventory item with a deviceTypeId field that's an ID number pointing over to the Device Types table. Each Device Type row has an ID and a name. I want the Device Type name to get back over to the inventory item record as another field.
If that doesn't make sense, maybe this will in JSON:
Device Type row / example:
{ "id": 1, "name": "Synology DS414 NAS" }
Inventory Item row / example:
{ "id": 1, "name": "ds414", "deviceTypeId": 1, ...(other fields) }
The database relationship I want to have my SQL Alchemy ORM do is this:
{ "id": 1, "name": "ds414", "deviceTypeId": 1, **"deviceType": "Synology DS414 NAS",**
...(other fields) }
I've seen lots of docs with relationships(...), Mapped(...) calls, Lists, back reference, back populate, and other things.
For now I really just want to pull over the name field from another table, based on the foreign key ID.