A closer look at all the police around the Omni Centre this afternoon, this time using the big zoom on the main camera instead of the phone https://www.flickr.com/photos/woolamaloo_gazette/54259199207/in/dateposted/
Folk on #UK #car / #motoring forums are going apeshit about plans by #Scotland plans to reduce #SpeedLimits for smaller #cars on single-carriageway #roads (but to increase them for #lorries / #HGV to the same limits as #England )
I suspect a lot of these #drivers have got used to treating rural roads as their personal racetrack, and are annoyed that #PoliceScotland may be taking more action against #speeding
Nicola #Sturgeon is 'getting on with life' 18 months after arrest
Meanwhile, #Branchform is in danger of fossilisation. I wonder how long the unionist establishment can keep this going?
#OperationBranchform As another year comes to an end this is, by far, the most expensive £600k on the planet. We can expect another year, at least, as #policescotland stretches it out to the elections. #snp
#Incompetence is right. #PoliceScotland. Family of banker murdered 20 years ago rebuke ‘incompetent’ Police Scotland https://www.theguardian.com/uk-news/2024/sep/21/family-of-banker-alistair-wilson-murdered-20-years-ago-rebuke-incompetent-police-scotland?CMP=Share_iOSApp_Other
Perhaps after the Met Police have finished investigating the Grenfell perpetrators in 2027 they could assist Police Scotland with the SNP inquiry. #policescotland
You telling that to Elon Musk as well, yeah?
Oh right, there's fuck all we can do about his shit, isn't there?
Right. By now you all know I'm not an #SNP fanboi. And of course allegations of financial chicanery in political parties must be investigated (which is why all the investigations into the #Tories... wait... WHAT?!)
But at some point, letting 'investigations' run on and on and on ceases to be 'due diligence' and becomes political tampering. Who is putting what pressure on #PoliceScotland?
I met Rishi’s convoy heading to Nigg on my way home tonight. Near Delny the northbound traffic was stopped by a police motorbike parked across their lane. The officer was next to it signalling stop to the traffic heading south. I stopped, but the vehicles in front of me didn’t, so he threw a tantrum, started screaming at them, jumping up & down and flapping his arms around. Wish I still had my dashcam
Nothing about the inefficiency of Police Scotland in taking 3 years to investigate a possible accounting error in SNP accounts!
Hey everyone, right at the end of a very long article about trans hate, the Guardian allowed a trans woman a single word as a response, progress! /s
#JKRowling #socialmedia #posts about #hatecrime #law ‘not criminal’, says #PoliceScotland
No further action will be taken, police say after assessing #complaints over #JKRowling’s #Twitter #posts
#JKRowling #hatecrime #law #posts not criminal, #police say.
#PoliceScotland said JK Rowling’s #remarks in which she #criticised new #hatecrime #legislation and #misgendered several #trans #women were not “#criminal”
From Facebook. This was a bit of a wtf moment for me. The police should not be handing their duties out to volunteers, but especially not to religious volunteers. This is not appropriate and I am in more than half a mind to complain.
I would worry hugely for my trans offspring knowing they are patrolling if she was out at night in Dumfries.
This “investigation” started in 2021, and the new Police Scotland (AKA Strathclyde Police Nationwide) Chief Constable refuses to answer any questions about it, including: why the fuck is it taking so long?
I think we know the answers.
The public has lost patience with Police Scotland and Operation Branchform | @cluthaman
After more than two years, the police inquiry into the SNP’s finances is still unfinished. Enough is enough.
#Police #PoliceScotland #Scotland #investigation
In his speech to the Tory turd-polishing fest yesterday, Rishi Sunak 'joked'...
"Nicola Sturgeon wanted to go down in the history books as the woman who broke up our country. But it now looks like she may go down for very different reasons."
Isn't that Contempt of Court in Scottish law, where it applies from arrest, and not charge as in Englandandwales?
Could RishGPT be extradited to Edinburgh?
Given there's already a police investigation into possible undeclared donations, this just gets murkier and murkier for @THESNP
Not to mention the missing £600k, the Murrel loan, the mystery campervan et al ....
#snp #politics #scottishpolitics #policescotland
Our full report on 'Influence policing' has now been published: https://www.sipr.ac.uk/news/influence-policing-published/ We found both good practice and deeply troubling practice. #InfluencePolicing #PoliceScotland #SIPR #InfluenceGovernment #Ads #Cybercrime #AlgorithmicPolicing #TargetedAds @susansegfault