some days... I can't get enough of gaming. I'll get as much as my hands allow me to play and I love it.
other days, I'm not the least bit interested, and I don't know why...
The issue with my bad hands sure plays a big role here. When the hands hurt too much, it's no use to want to game, cause I'll only be disappointed in my hands. But other times, I feel it's my AuDHD as well. 
I either hyper focus on a game and go all in, for a short time at least. Or I just can't seem to be bothered, especially when I struggle with my concentration.
This makes me sad sometimes. As I know how much fun I usually have when gaming. Especially when I can play with sweet friends and chat along the way.
Due to the bad hands, I often need the relaxing games. Story driven ones (I know most games have a story to them, but I mean the ones where you don't have to play intensely to be able to make progress), like the old Telltales ones, or some of the Don't Nod games, or even the slightly buggy Dark Pictures games...
I also enjoy No Man's Sky, as it's veeeeery relaxed to play on what I call my "baby settings" (the easiest bits available).
I've played many Lego games, and some I even got to
with, although some of them I had some help with... I am trying to get through the Skywalker Saga, but it's so different to the "old" Lego games, that it takes me some more time to get the hang of it...
I do enjoy many games, and some "harder" games can be challenging as well. I finished Horizon Zero Dawn, with some help for the hunting grounds. But I've not finished the sequel yet. And I haven't bought the Lego version yet, because... Money... 
But yeah, I either play as much as my hands allow, or I'm not even remotely interested.... and that feels weird to me at times...
Anywhoo.... As I just shared, I am excited about the new NMS update and I hope to try it this weekend!