Wow #google published internal #benchmarks for their new #AI model, showing numbers in comparison to other models. So this is the new way to increase #stockvalue huh? #Marketing #llm
Wow #google published internal #benchmarks for their new #AI model, showing numbers in comparison to other models. So this is the new way to increase #stockvalue huh? #Marketing #llm
#Google #SearchEngines #WebSearch #hubris
"A new profile of Elizabeth Reid, the head of Google Search, confirms that Google is moving away from its longstanding model of sending its users to websites. As one former unnamed senior executive put it: 'Giving traffic to publisher sites is kind of a necessary evil.'"
Google AI Overview arriva in Italia: ricerca AI sulla SERP
#Aggiornamento #AI #AIOverview #Europa #Fonti #Google #GoogleSearch #IntelligenzaArtificiale #Italia #MotoreDiRicerca #Notizie #Novità #PanoramicheAI #RicercaGoogle #SERP #TechNews #Tecnologia
Little Black Book: Burger King Takes over Google Maps to Hand Out Discounts at Rival Restaurants. “On March 15, during Consumer Week, Burger King® launched an unexpected stunt: the brand distributed exclusive discount coupons in a hyper-targeted, geolocated way, strategically placed in search results for competitor locations on Google Maps. Photos were taken and posted locally on the […]
New York Times: Inside Google’s Investment in the A.I. Start-Up Anthropic. This link goes to a gift article. “To win the artificial intelligence race, Google not only has developed its own technologies, but has also pumped money into prominent A.I. start-ups. And to preserve its competitive edge, Google has kept its ownership stakes in those start-ups a secret. Court documents recently […]
#Google fixed the first actively exploited #Chrome zero-day since the start of the year
#securityaffairs #hacking
GPAI fundamental rights neglect, and Signalgate: Plus, news publishers fear #Google is looking to undermine #copyright.
App Google: novità per AI Mode, ricerche più veloci
#Aggiornamento #AI #Android #APKTeardown #App #AppGoogle #Gemini #Google #GoogleApp #GoogleSearch #IntelligenzaArtificiale #Interfaccia #ModalitàAI #Notizie #Novità #Scorciatoie #TechNews #Tecnologia
𝔹𝕠𝕟 𝕕𝕚𝕒! Buenos días! Good Morning #Bondia #buenosdías #bosdías #Egunon #bonjour #GoodMorning #buongiorno #dimecres #Girona #Ripoll #Perpignan #seo #Google #press
Mittwoch: Google-Suche mit KI-Übersichten, Boeings Geschacher um Absturzfolgen
KI-Suche auf Deutsch + Boeings Ringen um Absturz-Deal + Europas kommerzieller Raketenstart + Quantenkryptografie per Satellit + Deutschlandticket + Bit-Rauschen
#Google #Gemini #Android #Rant
Looks like Google force pushed an Gemini integration into Android devices.
Now my mom is confused why everything she does suddenly pops up "G-e-m-i-n-i" in her phone. She is utterly confused why simple button presses and taps are now making her device show this thing randomly, preventing her from doing what she wants to do.
If I ever meet one of these unhinged morons at google who did this to her, you are getting an earful at the least. Do you know how hard it is for people whose functional language is NOT English learning to use a smart phone in their 50s and 60s and then keep up with the constant barrage of "UI/UX improvements" you throw at them every other year? Do you have any idea how your freaking AI integration is going to impact someone who sends voice notes because typing is too hard? Do you think every user who "paid" for the device they bought are feeding you their entire digital lives for free are also lab rats for your whims and fancies? Like, the gall of fucking with people's everyday things for metrics.
KI-Suche: Google bringt die AI Overviews nach Deutschland
Die "Übersicht mit KI" ist ein KI-generierter Fließtext. Google zeigt ihn künftig auch in Deutschland bei passenden Suchanfragen an.
The #MacAddress channel had such a good content but very low cadence and very temporal topics, same with #GameLinked.
I bet those channels could get a resurgence by being more varied, which was not the case for GameLinked (just news).
#Google Keep just ate today's todo list. It had a lot of things on it.
It was a new note I created, filled out, and then went to add to my phone's home screen as a widget. It wasn't in the list, so I figured I needed to reboot my phone for something internal to refresh.
It looks like that refresh was needed not only to make the note available as a widget, but also to sync it to the cloud to save it at all, because after restarting my phone that list is gone.
Anyway, todo v2 is in Obsidian.
Google says its new ‘reasoning’ Gemini AI models are the best ones yet #Google #News #Tech #AI
Я тут немного гонял Gemma 3.
В @ollama с ней сейчас некоторые проблемы с памятью поэтому 27B версию нормально трогать не получается.
Ну, когда есть версия 27B как-то не очень хочется гонять 12B версию и поэтому я её почти не трогал и ждал когда починят менеджмент памяти.
Но тут я случайно вспомнил что Gemma 3 - мультимодалка. И решил попробовать посмотреть что там как с пониманием картинок.
До этого я уже баловался со всякими LLaVA, которая мне откровенно не понравилась, а также с LLaMA 3.2, которая была заметно лучше, но всё равно была не очень надежной.
А вот Gemma 3 меня прямо удивила.
Она мне тут и кошку в темноте нашла, и моток филамента объяснила даже уточнив, что тот лежит на коврике для мыши хотя этого коврика там лишь кусок в углу фото.
А тут она мне ещё и состав моей стойки расписала вплоть до того, что угадала аудио-интерфейс, что в него включён микрофон (его нет на фото) и что это домашняя студия.
Сильнее она удивила бы меня разве что если бы посчитала по торчащему в розетке ваттметру потребление и сделала вывод, что на сервере с фото она и работает, лол.
Короче, я впечатлён. Google молодцы.
Google recently pushed an update to the Pixel line of smartphones, and got a lot of praise for benchmark scores improving!
Has real world performance really improved though? Let's take a look!
i have a google scholar alert for a couple of my favorite authors, and when they publish a new paper, i get a link in my email about it... well, somehow they figured out who this author is and sent it to me, even though the PDF says "anonymous authors - paper under double blink review"!
Google Gemini per Android: arrivano i Gem gratis per tutti
#Aggiornamento #AI #Android #AppGemini #Gem #Gemini #GeminiAI #Google #GoogleAI #GoogleGemini #Gratis #IntelligenzaArtificiale #Notizie #Novità #TechNews #Tecnologia