Remember to content warn / tag your political posts. If you're not doing that, you're kind of being consent disrespecting asshole.
I don't need CW; I'm finding filters sufficient.
It's a tough question. I strongly agree that engaging with the world we find ourselves in is our shared responsibility.
And yet: offensiveness is subjective. Why is it *obviously* appropriate to CW sex and violence, topics that not everyone wants or needs a warning for?
There's a difference between offense and damage. Framing the question as preferences, or what might offend, makes it easier to ignore the people who say lack of CW harms them. Just as framing masking as a courtesy makes it easier to ignore the folks who say your exhalations might kill them.
When someone says "I need X to protect myself," a reply that sounds like "Y is perfectly adequate.. you shouldn't need X," strikes me as all kinds of wrong. It smacks of "Well, why don't you just.."
I expect I'll be inconsistent about my use of CW vs. tags. But I'm not going to be offended by being asked (either generally or directly) to put some stuff behind CWs.
#courtesy : an act of kindness or favor performed with politeness
- French: (of) grâce à, avec l'autorisation de
- German: Höflichkeit
- Italian: cortesia
- Portuguese: cortesia
- Spanish: cortesía
Fill in missing translations @
A quotation from Antrim, Minna:
Politeness is a gilt-edged investment that seldom misses a dividend.
Full quote, sourcing, notes:
Where the Hell Has Everyone’s #Social #Etiquette Gone? Something has changed, and not for the better!
Let's bring back #Respect, #Courtesy, and #Kindness in our personal #interactions.
#Women #Transgender #LGBTQ #LGBTQIA #Consideration #Civility #Empathy #Rudeness #Selfishness #Behavior #Manners #SocialAwareness
#courtesy : an act of kindness or favor performed with politeness
- French: (of) grâce à, avec l'autorisation de
- German: Höflichkeit
- Italian: cortesia
- Portuguese: cortesia
- Spanish: cortesía
Fill in missing translations @
Discovered a new passive-agressive trend among GenZ on airplanes: rather then actually get up when you need to get out of your airplane row they just pull their feet up, forcing you to either put your butt or your groin in their face as you pass because the row is actually narrow.
…and then they get all huffy.
When you ask them to simply step out for a moment, they get half out of the seat forcing you into a different set of awkward moves. More indignant looks ensue.
Whenever a woman follows my account, I always send a DM saying "Hello, lovely lady"
Thing is… the #Internet gives everybody a voice, often an anon voice, INCLUDING those folks who should STFU and NEVER use their voices. So yeah, there are a lot of moronic trolls out there stepping up to comment on everything; to sneer and ridicule, and to heap abuse on the innocent. Those who take perverse pleasure in torment are truly sub-human maggots. There, I said it. #manners #courtesy #decorum #integrity #civility
@drahardja Why are we talking? Do we want to change minds by discussing things with others, or do we want to shout at them? Granted, both are necessary at times...
But if we want people who disagree with us to listen to what we have to say rather than ignoring us or shouting right back, then we ought to show them the respect of being polite. That does not prevent us from speaking truths that they may find painful.
This #picture of #SamSmith in a #speedo has the #gays #workedup, but there’s a #catch
The photos come #courtesy of a #beachday Smith took in #Miami, where they wore a #red #Versace #swimsuit that left little to the imagination.
#Nonbinary #Transgender #LGBTQ #LGBTQIA #SexualOrientation #Sexuality #Representation #Culture
@somekindahate3 @mondoweiss @palestine
when you come into a conversation, instead of attacking people or typing insults, you can read the conversation and try to understand basic english or context before attacking people.
and then type something reasonable so people can understand your viewpoint whether you are speaking for or against what they said.
#decency #courtesy #parenting #kids #upbringing
I'm glad I didn't sit any closer to the door of this bar. Too many large parties showing up and holding the door open while they all try to talk to the host (and then necessarily continuing to hold it open while they all file in). Letting in monster drafts!
If you need to have a long chat with the host, just send *one* member of your party in and close the door while they do! #BasicCourtesy #ShutTheDamnDoor #DontLetTheColdIn #courtesy #etiquette
At the store y'day, I was next to 2 shoppers chatting abt Super Bowl. One of them said he is a 49ers fan and I said "good luck tomorrow", you know like civilized ppl do.
Not that guy tho'. He rudely retorted "I don't need luck, we're going to cream them". All I could do was SMH and say I was being courteous but the guy just walked off.
I hope that guy sleeps well tonight knowing he might have brought this on himself.
Fedi citizens, what do you think the best way to handle replies to messages / threads which have many "@" mentions in them? I am always annoyed when people tag me in a thread even when only two people are chatting and the thread became irrelevant for me.
boosts for coverage and suggestions are appreciated.
Chicago, people live here asshole. Don't stand in the fucking doorway for the train, bus, or building, get in or get out. Make room for other people on the sidewalk, condense your group, single file your strollers. Your group's trying to decide "Where to next?" the first place I'd recommend is outta the middle of the sidewalk. I'm tired of this shit, eyes up, pay attention, operate with some fucking courtesy. #Chicago #Sidewalks #Transit #Courtesy #Daydreaming #About #BodyChecking #Assholes
I can't hold my dog out of the way if I can't hear you coming. #cycling #footpaths #courtesy #dogs #children #disability #walking
Otherwise smart and reasonable people *routinely* skipping alt-text for images in their posts. I wonder what's going on there.