Just discovered Archimate and ProxMox. Interesting looking open source projects.
Just discovered Archimate and ProxMox. Interesting looking open source projects.
Knowledge Graphs dans le domaine de l’Architecture d’Entreprise. Interopérabilité sémantique via la spécification des concepts métiers et activation dynamique d’un métamodèle pour les changements stratégiques.
#architectureentreprise #togaf #archimate #bpmn #uml #dev #tech @ejuliot @Obeo_Fr @tony_marchand @jbsarrodie
Knowledge Graphs dans le domaine de l’Architecture d’Entreprise. Interopérabilité sémantique via la spécification des concepts métiers et activation dynamique d’un métamodèle pour les changements stratégiques. https://urbanisation-si.com/knowledge-graph-et-architecture-dentreprise-1 #architectureentreprise #togaf #archimate #bpmn #uml #dev #tech @ejuliot @Obeo_Fr @tony_marchand @jbsarrodie
It’s been nearly a year ago, when Gerben Wierda (@gctwnl) shared this amazing example of diagram engineering:
“The story at the end tells a bit about #LMTX and how it was done (it's about 2500 lines of Lua to parse the XML and produce the LMTX statements, and about 3500 lines of #MetaPost/Metafun to produce the graphics).”
Comment consolider un référentiel centralisé TOGAF rassemblant les autres référentiels Stratégie, Métier, Applications, Infrastructure… ? Obeo SmartEA
@francks @benoitmougne @ygauthie @Shephallmassive #architectureentreprise #togaf #archimate @ejuliot @fmadiot @Obeo_Fr @jbsarrodie @tony_marchand
The story at the end tells a bit about LMTX and how it was done (it’s about 2500 lines of #Lua to parse the XML and produce the LMTX statements, and about 3500 lines of #METAPOST/Metafun to produce the graphics).
Gerben Wierda, @gctwnl
Mon nouvel article :
ChatGPT, l’outil idéal de réalisation de modèles pour l’Architecture d’Entreprise et l’Urbanisation du Système d’Information ?
Un générateur de code qui tient compte de ses erreurs.
Un assistant de choix pour les cartographes.
Pourquoi se fatiguer à apprendre ?
@trondhjort One of the many reasons I like Archimate as a language to describe architecture is that it advises how to formulate different elements. F.i. 'application service': "The name of an application service should preferably be a verb ending with “-ing”; e.g., “transaction processing”. Also, a name explicitly containing the word “service” may be used."
@jerry I'm learning rust, working on a new way to decide what Mastodon server to join, and building a 1 meter tall version of TARS from Interstellar. Oh, and drafting hachyderm's architecture in archimate based on Nova's writeups.
I think one reason why #enterprisearchitecture is still so IT-centric is because it is still populated by IT people. I would love to see a public administration of a country with a true #businessarchitecture. But that will only happen when
1) IT people start to learn and care about how public administration works, or
2) non-IT-people in public administration start to learn holistic thinking and #ArchiMate modelling.
L’eurodéputée Sophie In’t Veld a appelé à une « profonde remise en question » de la gouvernance européenne en matière de logiciels espion, relève Euractiv.
#architectureentreprise #archent #togaf #archimate #transformationnumerique #transfonum #bpmn #SysML #IntelligenceArtificielle #IA #MachineLearning #DeepLearning
C'è qualcuno qui che lavora con #ArchiMate? Magari utilizzando #archi?
My interests are
#gopher ;-)
#EmpireOfThePetalThrone aka #Tekumel
#coffee (of course)
Also I don't know what boosting a post is.