Uploading the repair data from our local groups’ most recent repair cafe, it’s pleasing to see that we helped stop about 25 kg of things entering the waste stream, and perhaps ~200 kg of emissions of CO2e in the manufacture of new things.
But even more pleasing is that ~10 people shared their time and knowledge to help fix things. ~20 people cared enough to bring something along to make it last longer. Conversations were had, skills were shared, the community centre was buzzing. #BuenVivir.
@neil interesting use of data! How are you collecting it if you don't mind me asking?
@nuala We collect it on paper forms at our local cafe at the mo. Each visitor fills it in when they arrive, and we add extra details at the end.
We record things like what it is, brand, model, age (if known), whether we could fix it, what the problem was, what we did to try and fix it, etc.
Then I go through the paper forms each month and upload them to a software platform called https://restarters.net (disclaimer: I'm involved in the creation of that software!)
@neil ohhhhh this is super interesting!!!!! Thanks for talking me through it, and for the link.
@nuala Very welcome! Do you have a local repair cafe? If you're in Wales, you might want to check out https://repaircafewales.org too, who have a similar platform.