It might sound weird to say this about the impact of a website, but Bandcamp really has transformed my musical interests and, as a result, my life. I have been able to cultivate & help support a small, shifting, virtual community of artists and listeners that I learned from over the past 13 years. So, it is very sad to hear about the recent sell-off, layoffs and plunder.
cc/ @bandcampunited
This post from @pettter has me wondering if there are any efforts yet to start to think about what a similar #coop run service might look like?
It seems like Bandcamp is past the startup stage where it could #ExitToCommunity?
As much as I personally align with decentralization, there does seem to be some value in a centralized platform for managing payments, storage and discovery for artists whose livelihood depends on trust.
If anyone has any leads for how to tap into, or start, a conversation about what a #coop run music platform like bandcamp could look like please let me know.
It seems like there must be a very large number of people who would be supportive of a cooperatively run AND FUN site like Bandcamp, that was self sustaining, supported artists, supported its workers, and had a clear governance model.
If it was open-source and could federate that would be great of course too. But first things first.
@edsu check out too if you haven't seen that already
@nick thanks Nick! I know tech is going to tech, but I will be interested to see if some of these efforts frontload the governance side of things and then get into how to assemble the various pieces. As much of a fan I am of decentralization, I think it needs to take a back seat to how the thing will be run once money starts moving around?
@edsu this is actually one persons analysis of why resonate failed to achieve their goals:
"I’ve always kind of had the opinion that Resonate does some amazing conceptual co-operative governance but that governance was way ahead of what the product (software) actually offered."
@nick interesting, yeah -- that's a good reminder that it's likely a sociotechnical problem that requires thinking about both governance and tooling at the same time. Thanks for the pointer to look closer at what is going on w/ Resonate.
@nick the analogy to mastodon in that post is interesting. What if there was software that looked and worked *exactly* like Bandcamp, and there was a flagship instance run as a coop? They've already demonstrated that it works from a usability perspective, but failed on the side of making it sustainable for artists, fans and workers.
(Oh and it's open source and could federate, yadayadayada)