Computers are good, actually
For-profit tech corporations though...
I love computing
I love to compute on the computer
I hate the companies that have made computing on the computer miserable as they try to squeeze us all through their product lifecycles
@cwebber I try to have this conversation with non-techie friends sometimes. They'll complain about the internet. And I try to redirect. You don't hate the internet. The internet gives you wikipedia and constant connection with friends and family. You hate that most of your internet usage is mediated through platforms designed to keep your attention and sanitize your communication for advertisers.
@cwebber Thank you. I’ve been feeling like I don’t like computing on the computer much recently but you’re right, it’s not the computer, it’s all the things that get in the way of the computering because of Must Grow Bigger Syndrome.
@cwebber Whew. Hard agree.
@cwebber I too love computers
@cwebber turns out there are a lot of uses for machines that process information and the alienation comes from our social relations
"Hell is other people" -- Sartre
Computers are super neato. The network is cool.
It's the people. When you let everyone on, it includes the assholes who see it not as a playground to be shared, but as a resource to be exploited. Even worse, they see the *people* as a resource to be exploited.
Figure out a way to exclude the jerks and we'll really have something.
@cwebber I couldn't agree more.
@cwebber the sad thing is that this could just as easily be the social media companies, ISPs, PC manufacturers or Microsoft…
@cwebber do you retro-compute? Do you love watching it compile. because I do. [Sundrop]
@cwebber Spoken like you have not recently lost your netherite armor in Minecraft.