Are there any North American companies offering factory-built standardized multi-family #PassiveHouse designs? Can you buy an off-the-shelf all-electric, low-energy fourplex and have it assembled on a lot in one of the states legalizing #MissingMiddle #housing across the board?
@ZaneSelvans I haven’t heard of any standardized, modular, multi family passive house companies, and there’s a high probability I’d have heard of it through my work. Mighty Buildings is probably the closest thing I’ve heard of.
I think there are a handful of modular passive MF structures that have been built in DC, Mass, NYC, and maybe the Bay Area. I know there is interest in this sort of thing for manufactured homes all across the NE. VEIC has been working with NYSERDA on that problem.
Might be worth looking at this:
It's a spin-off of the Open Source Ecology group.
While they have two designs finalised, it's still WIP for the other designs, so #PassiveHouse parameters could be introduced as one of their next parameters to work on. :D.